Nicole Callahan-Independent Sales Consultant

Nicole Callahan-Independent Sales Consultant
Changing the world, one home at a time.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Unexpected Hiatus!

Where has the time gone?

I'm sure you're tired of bloggers saying that they got busy, things happen and they forgot to blog, but that is exactly my case!

My Norwex business has taken off faster than I ever imagined possible!  I'm averaging two to three night outs a week promoting my business and making homes healthier.  Spring brought about three nights of soccer and a full Saturday game schedule.  Then there was the end of the school year which meant that my full time job gets busier!

Things have finally settled into a great routine!  Now that I'm back, I'd like to give this a facelift!  I need your suggestions!  Who did you use to make your blog functional and pretty?  I'd love your opinions!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

March Bucket List

I can not believe that it is almost March!  The months seem to just be flying by!  In an effort to keep myself accountable I am linking up with Emily and Erika to complete a March bucket list!

This month I hope to:

* Have one family day.  Where we take the kids to an all day activity.

* Go on one date night.

* Host five Norwex shows.  I have high hopes for March and April!

* Organize the utility room.  We have our village wide rummage sale in May and I am no where near being able to get ready for it!

* Run!  The treadmill has been accumulating dust these past few months!  Shorts and swimsuits are hopefully not too far off and I want to look better than ever!  I want to log 5 miles per week.  I am not a runner so I think this is an achievable goal!

What are you hoping to accomplish in March?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Does this get your attention?

Part time, Full time or Big time!  Norwex has it all!

Would you like to simply try Norwex out for only the cost of shipping?  Would you like to offer your family the products at cost?  Would you like to receive any and all Norwex porducts for 35% off?  


Would you like to pay your cell phone bill this month by simply getting out of the house and sharing Norwex once?  Would you like to make a car payment by sharing Norwex twice?


Would you like to make the mortgage payment this month?  Put money into the savings account?  Take your family on vacation?

If any of this sounds appealing to you please contact me!  You can contact me on this blog or my website.  I'd love to answer any questions you have!

There are no strings attached!  If you join today or tomorrow you pay only $7.99!  You will receive product valued at $75!  You have nothing to lose!  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Are you kidding me?

As a Girl Scout leader I absolutely can not stand it when Girl Scouts end up in the news!  As a volunteer we have much more to worry about than what is circulating!  Now this has come up!  As a parent regardless if you are trying to teach your daughter about business practices, why on earth would you think this is ok?  This is wrong on so many levels!  It is stories like this giving scouts (of all kinds) a bad name.  Why is participation both for children and adult volunteers down? can only wonder!

What are your thoughts?  She has helped her troop does that make it ok?  Is it ok because she was taught how to run a successful business?  Would you allow your daughter to sell at such a location or one similar?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I came across this article on Facebook over the weekend.

After reading through it I noticed how many differing opinions there were.  I must say that the author of the article is much like myself.  Although I'm not going to stand five feet away while my child is five feet in the air trying to go down the fire pole at the local park, I'm also not one to hoover over my children when they are playing.  I feel that there needs to be a good delicate balance between the two.  You can not be the helicopter hoovercraft nor the negligent parent.

 I have raised very well behaved independent children and feel that part of the reason they are independent is because I allow them to be.  I have taught them that it is ok to not succeed at something the first time.  They have the will and the desire to keep trying.  For example, my son shoots trap and his first year was not the best for him however he never gave up.  He kept going, kept trying and held his positive attitude all while trying to improve.  Bill did not hoover over him yet he still guided him.  He was not the negligent dad in the corner by any means but he was not the one whos child became angry at his dad because dad was practically trying to shoot for him.  Now, he is the one helping and encouraging the first year shooters...however he does not hoover.

As parents, we need to encourage our children to never give up the fight and will power to succeed.  If that means they need to use the steps instead of the climbing wall at the park then that is what that means.  They will keep trying and be even more proud of themselves when they can finally accomplish it!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Completely amazed

I knew that the reason I signed up to be a Norwex consultant was because they had amazing products and a great philosophy behind the company, but the more I use these products the more I am amazed!
How can you not be when you have these kinds of results?

I had tried everything on this door...Soft Scrub, Comet, Goo Gone and other like cleaners with absolutely no luck!

I used Lime Away, CLR and Comet on the outer ring and could not get it shiny clean!

This floor was the death of me!  I tried every product I could think of.  I even tried different combinations of products!  Finally my mom, who cleans homes professionally, tried cleaning it because she thought she would be able to get it clean.  She still had no luck!  She actually ended up telling Bill we just needed to replace the floor!  Now, I'm glad we had put it off because it looks awesome!

This cookie sheet was about to be thrown away.  I'm actually embarrassed that I had something so disgusting looking in the kitchen...and I use it!  I took TWO minutes of my time and rubbed in a circular motion on the right side of the sheet.  Look at the difference! This was only after two minutes!  Imagine what it would look like after five!

All of the above items (and more) were cleaned with Cleaning paste and an enviro cloth!  Can you believe it?  This stuff is really just magic in a jar!  It is made with three simple ingredients and safe for the health of you and your family!

The Cleaning Paste can be found at my website.  If you plan to place an order please put it under my business launch party and you will be entered to win free products!  I will be giving away numerous products!  All orders will ship directly to your homes and they ship right away!  No waiting on the party to close!

I just want to say Thank you to those readers who have supported my business so far!  I could not be where I am with out you!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Random Wednesday

I'm in a middle of the week slump...and I'm not really sure why because this week is so packed with a lot of exciting things.  Maybe this cold weather is to blame?

Monday night we got back into Girl Scout meetings.  Some of the girls were still on a holiday break I think!  As the girls get older it is starting to feel more like a babysitting hour/social hour than a scout meeting.  Has anyone else had this experience?

We worked out last night.  Hard.  Maybe not so hard, but I got hit in the face hard!  We had five different stations and we worked at each station for one minute with one minute of rest in between.  It wasn't really rest because we had to high tail it over to the next station!  They were: box jumps, push ups, ball toss sit ups (we had a 10 pounder), rowing machine and 10 lb kettle bell presses.  Bill was my partner.  We were doing the ball toss sit ups and I took it right to the face which resulted in me being knocked to my back.  I don't even know why or how I didn't catch that ball! Crazy!  Don't worry, though, we finished all of the rounds!  Bill said to me this morning that we will be purchasing a rowing machine soon.  He is hooked.  So am I.

Tonight I will enter my first ever Norwex order.  I am so excited!  I was also invited to do a vendor fair with a great group of ladies.  I think that this business is off to a great start!  I am contemplating having a launch party, but the only day that I really have time for one would be this coming Sunday.  As in 4 days from now.  Is that a good idea?  I'm not sure!

Tomorrow I will become an aunt for the 12th time and my children will have their 12th cousin!  My sister is going in at 6 am to be induced with her fourth child who just happens to be her first son!  I couldn't be more excited!  The kids are already counting down until when they can see "baby Michael".

Friday is a night of absolutely no plans.  I hope to keep it that way!

Saturday I will be going to shadow a Norwex party.  In the afternoon all four kids have their hair cuts.  I wonder if the girls will be keeping the short hair or not?  I sure hope so!

Thanks for listening to my ramblings!  I hope everyone is in the middle of a great week!